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LUUMS Sinfonia 2023/24

Sinfonia ist ein nicht vorgesprochenes Orchester, das Musikern aller Standards offen steht - vom Anfänger bis zum Fortgeschrittenen. Mit einer sehr entspannten und lustigen Atmosphäre ist es perfekt für Musiker, die eine freundliche Umgebung suchen, um mit anderen Menschen gute Musik zu spielen. Unser aufregendes und vielfältiges Repertoire umfasst eine breite Palette von Stilen und Genres, darunter klassische Stücke, Filmmusik, Musiktheater und Pop-Medleys. Die Proben finden jeden Montag in der Probenhalle der Musikabteilung statt. Nach jeder Probe gehen wir in die Old Bar und mit vielen Sinfonia-Socials wie Bowling, Lasertag und Kinotouren haben Sie viele Möglichkeiten, Ihre Mitspieler kennenzulernen.


Aufgrund der Situation in Bezug auf die Covid-19-Pandemie sind wir derzeit nicht sicher, wann die Proben im akademischen Jahr 2020/21 beginnen werden. Stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie unserer Facebook-Gruppe beitreten, um Informationen zu Proben und Socials zu erhalten! Es gibt auch einige Online-Socials von Sinfonia und LUUMS, mit denen Sie sich beschäftigen können. Wir freuen uns darauf, Sie zu treffen!


Treten Sie unserer Facebook-Gruppe bei, um weitere Informationen zu erhalten.


Montags von 19.30 bis 21.30 Uhr

Rehearsal Hall, Musikschule


Abigail Yates


Abi ist ein Physikstudent im zweiten Jahr aus Wolverhampton in den West Midlands. Sie spielt seit ihrem neunten Lebensjahr Saxophon und hat sich mit 15 Jahren entschlossen, die Oboe zu lernen, damit sie sowohl in Orchestern als auch in Bands spielen kann. Seitdem hat sie in vielen Ensembles gespielt und es sehr genossen, in LUUMS Sinfonia und Concert Band zu spielen. Abi freut sich, ihre Rolle als Managerin zu übernehmen, um sicherzustellen, dass Sinfonia auch in diesem Jahr ein unterhaltsames und einladendes Umfeld für Spieler aller Standards bleibt. Sie hat auch Pläne für ein paar lustige Socials, damit sich die Mitglieder des Orchesters kennenlernen können! Neben LUUMS ist Abi Mitglied der Physics Society und im Studentenradio tätig.


 Olivia Davies (she/her)



Livia is in her fourth year at Leeds studying Arabic and International Relations. She started learning the violin at age 7 but switched to the cello at 11 when she moved to France, which she’s stayed loyal to. She also started taking guitar lessons at 14. Livia joined her town conservatoire orchestra at age 10, and also performed in chamber music groups from the age of 14. At her conservatoire she also played alongside theatre productions and performed solo from a young age. During summer music camps, she performed in string ensembles, vocal groups, composer ensembles, rock bands and a full orchestra. She played electric guitar in a rock/pop band from age 16-18 and performed at several local concerts and festivals. In 2018, Livia switched to study at her neighbouring town’s conservatoire where she played in their orchestra, solo, and in several string ensembles. While studying here, she played in her orchestra alongside a visiting Ukrainian choir, performing both Ukrainian dances and traditional French songs. Livia has only been part of Sinfonia for a year because of COVID and her year abroad but is really looking forward to being co-conductor alongside El!


Emily Mosby (she/her)



Emily Mosby is a 3rd year student at the University of Leeds studying Mathematics and Music. She has just completed her year abroad in Waterloo, Ontario, in Canada, and is back in Leeds this September for her final year. She started playing the cello in primary school when she was around 8 years old, and picked up other instruments along the way including the keyboard, drum kit and has experimented with the violin and guitar too. At 9 years old, she joined a children’s orchestra in her home town, and after each cello exam she sat, she moved up a group until she was a member of the top youth orchestra of the area at 13 years old. She was part of this orchestra up until she turned 18 and loved everything about it including the people and of course, the pieces. Emily was a member of Sinfonia in her second year at the University of Leeds, and now she’s back for her final year, she’s super excited to be a manager this year, alongside her co-manager Jonathan Nicholls!


Jonathan Nicholls (he/him)


Jonathan is a computer science student at the University of Leeds currently on his placement year as a trainee information analyst with the NHS Harrogate & District trust. Born and raised in Hong Kong to British-Australian parents, he is an avid enjoyer of all sorts of music, and has been playing instruments ever since the age of 4. He is principally a violist, but can also play piano, violin, guitar, recorder and french horn, and used to sing as part of the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts Boys’ Choir. Jonathan has performed with various ensembles throughout the years, including his primary school and secondary school’s orchestras, as well as playing viola with the English School Foundation’s inter-school orchestra for the organisation’s 50th anniversary and performing in a concert celebrating the 130th anniversary of the University of Hong Kong’s Faculty of Medicine. Since joining LUUMS, he has been a member of both Sinfonia and String Orchestra, and went on tour with the Symphony Orchestra during their 2023 Belgium tour. In his spare time (of which he has very little), Jonathan enjoys watching movies, listening to as much indie and alternative music as he can find, and is a first aider with St. John Ambulance. Jonathan is looking forward to managing Sinfonia this year and getting to know all the new students joining us this year, and he hopes to ensure a welcoming atmosphere within the ensemble for people of all skill levels, giving all a safe space to have fun playing music!

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